Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging

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** This page is currently under development. 

In the meantime please check out Harvard University’s HR site on how we, as members of the University, are called upon to create a diverse, inclusive, hospitable culture for our community. 

Also available is the Equity and Inclusion Journal Club (EIJC). The EIJC takes as its stance that the practice and culture of science are not immune to the widespread inequality in society as a whole. The under representation of people of color (e.g., blacks, Latinx, Indigenous Americans) and women in STEM fields at all academic/research levels—from science majors, to graduate students, to postdoctoral researchers, to scientists, to faculty—is a long-standing and well-documented problem. It is a problem rooted in the structural racism and sexism embedded in every sector of society (e.g., education, health care, housing, employment). In seeking to create a more equitable scientific community at Harvard and the CfA, the EIJC aims to foster honest discussions about the historical, systematic, and structural nature of inequality.

The Center for Astrophysics American Physical Society Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance (CfA APS-IDEA) team is made up of members of both SAO and Harvard including scientists, graduate students, postdocs, staff, administrators, and faculty that share leadership roles and who will work with the APS network of physics departments and labs on best practices of cultural change. Though our ultimate goal is a long term implementation plan for the CfA as a whole, we recognize that short- and medium-term steps are also necessary to maintain momentum. We will pay close attention to where such actionable steps may fit into our plan. We will ensure that we have appropriate data to motivate our path forward such as how to re-evaluate our hiring practices as well as making our facilities accessible. We will welcome contributions from all members of the CfA community.

The Center for Astrophysics Wolbach Library’s Galactic Gazette has their recent post on “Developing an Anti-Racist Strategy for the Library“.