Haihui Joy Jiang

Haihui Joy Jiang
Post-Doctoral Fellow

Haihui Jiang Headshot


Joy is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Center for Astrophysics (D. D. Sasselov Lab, 2023-2024), and in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (G. M. Whitesides Lab, 2019-2024). She leads projects across several areas, including plasma-electrochemistry, magneto-electrochemistry, zero-carbon polymers, and device engineering. Prior to joining Harvard, Joy led projects in nanomaterials and ionic solvents at international facilities, including the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK.


Ph.D. in Chemistry (G. G. Warr Lab), The University of Sydney, Australia
Honours (First class) in Chemistry, The University of Sydney, Australia
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) in Chemistry and Math, The University of Sydney, Australia


Outdoor activities, kayaking, and skiing