Procurement (Buy2Pay)

Procurement (Buy-to-Pay) Setup

In order to be set up with Buy-to-Pay access, please reach out to your Division Administrator. You’ll need to take the appropriate Buy-to-Pay role training as listed below. 

Placing orders using Buy-to-Pay

Whenever possible, requisitions should always be submitted before the item or service order is placed with the creation of a Purchase Order (or PO).  This is known as a pre-commitment requisition.  This allows for review and pre-approval of your request before the funds are committed to the vendor. It also allows the invoice to be paid electronically via Central Administration.

HCO Sponsored Cart Naming Convention: for orders that contain HCO Sponsored expenditures (org: 31460), please include the PI Last Name after the date (i.e. 2020-11-18 SMITH….) so that it is clear which Research Administrator should take on that cart assignment. This naming convention should also be used when carts are split coded between HCO sponsored and any non-sponsored account as the assignment of the cart will still need to take place by a 31460 approver at some point in the approval flow. 

If a cart does not contain any HCO Sponsored (org: 31460) charges, no cart naming convention is required (specifically HCO Non-Sponsored orgs 31450 and 31470 or Astronomy org 31430). 

HCO Requisition Description or Business Purpose (Header): please include the funding sponsor (i.e. NSF/NASA/STScI) and award nickname (i.e. A.Smith Fellowship/XYZ Telescope Fund) in the Header Requisition Description or Business Purpose section – this will help those approving (especially when multi-level approval is needed) ensure that the coding matches the sponsor/award entered in the Header description

HCO Naming Convention Quick Reference Guide

B2P Correlation to HART/Detail Listing: the Product Description in B2P is what will post as the Line Description in HART

Buy-to-Pay Role Types

There are three (3) distinct roles that have different permissions and responsibilities in Buy-to-Pay. These roles are as follows:

Requestor and Approver Guidelines

Useful Links & Guides:

Helpful Sites

Friendly Reminders:

  • Standard SLA (service level agreement) for invoice processing is 3-5 business days
  • Send invoices to AP only once; multiple submissions risk duplicate payments and processing delays
  • PO# MUST be listed on the invoice itself, not in the body of your message
  • No need to send PR-related invoices to us, they are automatically generated in B2P
  • Inquiries and other messages to the AP team must be submitted to:

      Paymode-X for B2P Business Vendors

      • Harvard University’s Accounts Payable department utilizes the Paymode-X® service offered by Bank of America Merrill Lynch to replace paper checks and other traditional electronic payments
      • It is the vendor’s responsibility to provide and maintain their banking information with Paymode, not AP
      • Vendors who have signed up to receive electronic payment via Paymode have their vendor sites programmed to default to electronic payment
      • Paymode payments are processed on Tuesdays and Thursdays based on vendor payment terms (typically Net 30 – 30 days after the invoice date)

      What you may need:

      • A Valid Email Address
      • Your Company’s US Tax ID Number (EIN)
      • Your Company’s Bank Account and Transit Routing Number

      Electronic Payments for US Individuals (Zelle)

      Zelle is an electronic payment method for individuals with a U.S. based bank account. Individuals with a Zelle account with their bank can choose Zelle as their preferred payment method in their Buy2Pay Supplier Portal profile. 

      Please note: departments cannot specify Zelle on behalf of an individual during the supplier portal registration process. This step must be done by the supplier.

      Individuals without a U.S. based bank account are not eligible for Zelle, and should be paid by Check. Companies are not eligible for Zelle, but Harvard University offers Paymode-X for electronic payments to companies.

      Preferred Vendors

      Harvard has negotiated rates with many suppliers.   Please see your Division Administrator for any purchase requests.  If you manage projects that require a lot of purchasing – you may be given access/training to the Harvard purchasing system or receive a Purchasing Card (credit card).   The vendors with preferred pricing that we typically use are:

      • WB Mason – office supplies
      • Dell/Apple – computers
      • GovConnection – computer products
      • B&H Photo – audio visual
      • DigiKey/Newark – electronics
      • McMaster Carr/Cambridge Valve and Fitting – fabrication materials
      • Airgas – scientific gas
      • ThorLabs/VWR/ThermoFisher/Sigma Aldrich – lab supplies and chemicals

      A full list of preferred vendors can be found on the Harvard Procurement site: