Frequently Asked Questions
What are the hours of operation at the Harvard College Observatory (HCO)?
The Business Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 4 PM barring University holidays. Fridays the Business Office staff are working remotely. Please try to arrange key pickup between those operating hours. In the event of an emergency key pickup on a Friday, please contact Jared Waite.
Please refer to our HCO Calendar under News & Events for dates that the Business Office may be closed due to all-staff meetings or University holidays.
Does the HCO give tours?
The best time to get a tour of the HCO is during our annual ‘Cambridge Explores the Universe’ event as part of the Cambridge Science Festival . The event is typically held in April of each year. A link to the free event will be posted here once confirmed/available.
Cambridge Explores the Universe (Sat, Sept 30)
Does the HCO accept volunteers?
Yes, for specific permitted programs: the volunteer is agreeing to an unpaid role with no promise of future employment or compensation. He/She is not eligible for benefits or insurance through this voluntary role and are required to have their own health insurance coverage. If the volunteer were injured while serving at the HCO, it is their responsibility to pay for any medical or non-medical services. Harvard will not compensate for any injuries or time lost from work/school. By signing a volunteer statement, the volunteer releases Harvard and it’s employees from any legal liability in the event of injury, property damage, or loss either now or in the future.
One such program is the annual Cambridge Science Festival event where the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian opens it’s doors for an engaging day of science and learning. Visitors can meet researchers, scientists, and staff and explore the mysteries of deep space.
Where can I get a parking pass?
Please refer to our Parking & Biking page for information on parking at 60 Garden Street.
Are there any employment opportunities at the HCO?
Please refer to the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) website under Opportunities.