Building Access

General Information:

  • COVID-19 Update: the building will be locked at all hours and requires an ID to enter.
    • Access to the facilities at 60 Garden Street are based on Harvard University ID Card programming.
  • For all building issues, please contact Jared Waite (
  • If you need help with your Harvard computer please contact HUIT

Room Reservations

Room reservations are made using your CfA Google Calendar.

New Staff Cards 

  • Harvard employees, except for casual employees, receive their Harvard cards as part of the orientation process. Temporary employees can receive Harvard cards if they present letters, including term of appointment, signed by their supervisors to HUID.
  • All Harvard University ID cards as well as Guest cards provide exterior door access. Should you need interior swipe card access for labs or specialty rooms (excluding Wolbach Library) please contact Jared Waite (

Defective, Lost, and Missing Cards

Harvard staff should follow HUID card replacement procedures. Please see the HUID Services Page

Harvard Sponsored Role

Previously known as Person of Interest (POI) – Harvard Sponsored Roles were defined to describe non-employee, non-student affiliations an individual may have in the Harvard community that support granting the individual access to resources, both digital and physical, under an appropriate level of oversight by the University. Harvard Sponsored Roles are necessary to clearly differentiate affiliations to the University that are distinct from employee, student, or alumni roles. For more information please see the policy and portal below.

Harvard Sponsored Role Policy

Harvard Sponsored Role Portal

Guest Cards

All other Harvard-affiliated staff, such as contractors and ongoing collaborators, must complete a Guest Card application with their Department Administrator in order to receive temporary guest card access.

Guest Card Request Form

Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Claims

In addition to the Visitor Participation Agreement (VPA), non-Harvard personnel who visit Harvard laboratories where certain hazards (e.g. chemical, radioactive, biological agents or heavy machinery) may be present may also be required by the lab to complete the “Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Claims” form.  Not all visitors who sign a VPA are required to complete this form.  Only visitors to labs where certain hazards are present who are NOT:

Completion of the form confirms that the visitor understands the nature of the risks and indicates that they have health insurance of their own and will release Harvard from any claims in the event they are injured as a result of working in Harvard laboratories.